Xcel Florida
Buy Their Coffee Here!Xcel Fuels Young People with Purpose by equipping them with purpose-driven opportunities for growth and success. Xcel is dedicated to empowering youth ages 13 to 25 to realize their fullest potential through a dynamic mentoring network that integrates transformative mentoring with mobile training units that facilitate hands-on learning experiences and foster the development of both hard and soft skills.Vision Statement: Our vision is to deliver exceptional programming that transcends barriers, ensuring accessibility to underprivileged populations. We aim to empower youth who lack consistent adult support by providing them with opportunities for personal growth and essential skills for thriving in trade careers or innovation fields.
Pandora's Kids
Buy Their Coffee Here!Even in a loving family, grieving children can feel like they have been singled out, like they are the only kid who has lost someone they love. And because kids grieve differently than grown-ups, adults cannot always provide the support and friendship a grieving child needs.At Pandora’s Kids, we believe kids in grief help other kids in grief. Through their shared experiences, kids become “Wounded Healers,” giving each other the support and friendship that can only be found from someone just like them.We unite kids in grief, giving them a place to talk if they want, listen if they choose or just be with other kids in grief. We open the doors to new friendships through shared events, activities and forums. We let kids know they are not alone. They are one of many of Pandora’s Kids. empower.
Artists of Palm Beach County
Buy Their Coffee Here!Artists of Palm Beach County is a non-profit 501c organization dedicated to helping member artists achieve their artistic goals and utilize their talents to enrich the lives in our community.We recognize that artists often face difficulties in having proper resources to practice and produce their art, to learn and expand their skills, and to feel that their art is recognized and appreciated. We are a home for these artists. A place where they can access resources, expand their skills, be inspired, share their art, and help each other prosper.Most importantly, we want to facilitate and enable the youth in our community to embrace the study and practice of all that is art. Our Certificate of Solicitation allows us to pursue tax-deductible donations to generate scholarship money, which we use to award scholarships to local students who show outstanding achievements in the visual arts and to offer educational programs, opportunities, and experiences to the community.We strongly believe that art in all its forms serves a public purpose and can enhance community well-being.